December, 2017- Cross-Sound Bridge– Oyster Bay (Bayville) to Rye
June 8, 2017- World Oceans Day! – United Nations
April 25, 2015- Spring Cleaning!– Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park in Oyster Bay, or Stehli Beach or Centre Island Beach in Bayville
October 4, 2015- Brunch by the Bay Supports Friends of the Bay– Crescent Beach Club in Bayville
September 19, 2015- It’s the Great International Shoreline Cleanup!- Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park in Oyster Bay, or Stehli Beach or Centre Island Beach in Bayville
September 20, 2014- Billy Joel Pitches in for Bay Cleanup
September 20, 2014- International Coastal Cleanup– Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park in Oyster Bay, or Stehli Beach, or Centre Island Beach in Bayville, or Caumsett Park, or West Neck Beach, or Sagamore Hill.
April 26, 2014- Spring Beach Cleanup– Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park in Oyster Bay
October 29, 2013– Superstorm Sandy Relief Efforts & Message from FOB to You!
September 21, 2013- 28th Annual International Cleanup– Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park in Oyster Bay
April 27, 2013- Beach Cleanup– Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park in Oyster Bay
December 6, 2012- Hero of Long Island!
December 5, 2012- Public Hearing Regarding Aquifers & Water Resources
November 15 and 16, 2012 First Long Island Natural History Conference – Brookhaven Laboratories
October 18 – 21, 2012 – New York State Outdoors Educator Annual Conference
October 2, 2012 – Aquifer Hearing Tonight!
September 15, 2012 – Harbor and Beach Cleanup– Theodore Roosevelt Park
September 12, 2012 – Pesticides in Lawn Care Products
August 29, 2012 – Water Security: Bringing Long Island Together to Protect our Aquifers and Drinking Water -Suffolk County Legislature, sponsored by Suffolk County Legislator William R. Spencer and Nassau County Legislator Judi Bosworth.
August 26, 2012 – Goodwill From the Grill – Good food for a GREAT cause!
August 8, 2012 – Verizon Fios Features Friends of the Bay Executive Director as a Hero for Long Island
August 8, 2012 Fourteen Municipalities Sign on to Intermunicipal Agreement for the Oyster Bay Cold Spring Harbor Protection Commitee
August 4, 2012 – Clamming permitted in Oyster Bay Harbor, oyster harvesting still prohibited
July 18, 2012– Pesticides
April 2012- Long Island’s Drinking Water – Challenges and Solutions
April 17, 2012, Long Island Earth Summit, 11:30 am – 5:00 pm Hosted by Citizens Campaign for the Environment and Brookhaven National Laboratory.
March 12, 2012- Watershed Action Plan Presentation
February 23, 2012- Mill Neck Marina Investigation-DEC Issues Fact Sheet on Field Investigation Underway at State Superfund Site:
January 23, 2012– Training Session for Alewife Monitoring
January 4, 2012- Greenwashing
November 30, 2011- Water Facts
October 10, 2011- Water Quality Threats
October 6, 2011- EPA Launches Website to Protect Wetlands
September 27, 2011- Water Footprint Calculator
August 17. 2011- Blueway Trail
June 13, 2011 – Watershed Action Plan Public Meeting Highlights of Draft Watershed Action Plan (powerpoint presentation)
June 8, 2011- Trees
May 31 2011- Oyster Bay / Cold Spring Harbor Protection Committee (OB/CSH PC)
The Oyster Bay/ Cold Spring Harbor watershed located on the north shore of Long Island, New York is a 40 square mile watershed that has been subject to increasing environmental threats in recent years. These include illegal dumping, polluted stormwater, development pressureand impairments to shellfishing, public bathing, fish consumption, habitat/hydrology, aquatic life and recreation.
In order to help protect and enhance the water quality of these two harbors and their tributaries in the most cost-efficient and effective manner, a watershed-wide inter-municipal committee was recently formed. Sixteen (16) of the eighteen (18) municipalities located within the watershed have so far agreed to join the committee, which is known as the Oyster Bay / Cold Spring Harbor Protection Committee (OB/CSH PC).
January 1 2011: Update on Centre Island Property
On December 27, the Centre Island Zoning Board of Appeals denied the applicants request for several variances that would have allowed for the building of a house on an environmentally sensitive Centre Island Beach.
According to state law, three members of the five-member board have to vote in favor of the variances in order to approve them. Because one recused himself and another has moved from Centre Island, only three members voted. Two voted in favor of the variances. One brave member voted against them to prevent this potentially harmful development.
The ZBA member that acted to protect the beach said there were several factors in her decision. She noted that the entire parcel of land is below the 12-foot elevation required by the Village of Centre Island’s building code. She also pointed out that the proposed septic system would be built on a beach situated between Oyster Bay and a tidal wetland that is regularly flooded.